Thursday, January 9, 2014

HTML Reference Sheet 2

HTML Reference Sheet 2

  1. Basic Tags
  2. Body Attributes
  3. Special Characters
  4. Text Tags
  5. Links
  6. Formatting
  7. Bullet and Numbering List
  8. Graphical Elements
  9. Tables
  10. Table Attributes
  11. Frames
  12. Frames Attributes
  13. Forms
  14. Styles

1. Basic Tags

Creates an HTML document -- REQUIRED

Sets off the title and other information that isn't displayed on the Web page itself -- REQUIRED

Puts the name of the document in the title bar -- REQUIRED

Sets off the visible portion of the document -- REQUIRED


Body Attributes:

    <body bgcolor="?">
    Sets the background color, using name or hex value ("blue" or "#0000FF")

    <body background="BACK.gif">
    Sets the background using an image file

    <body text="?">
    Sets the text color, using name or hex value, default is #FFFFFF

    <body link="?">
    Sets the color of links, using name or hex value, generally #0000FF (blue)

    <body vlink="?">
    Sets the color of followed links, using name or hex value, generally #800000 (maroon)

    <body alink="?">
    Sets the color of links on click, generally #FF0000 (red)

    <body topmargin="0" leftmargin="0" marginwidth="0" marginheight="0">
    Sets the margins of the page to zero. Browsers typically have default values (usually 15 pixels) for page margins. Code above covers both Internet Explorer and Netscape.

<!-- comment -->
Creates an invisible comment - it will not appear on the page as viewed in the browser - it is a note to yourself in the code.

<META HTTP-EQUIV="REFRESH" content="5;url=">
Automatic Redirect Code; 5 is the seconds before redirect.

Special Characters

Non-breaking space - can use to indent or to make a double space: <p>&nbsp;</p>

No separation of words, e.g., <nobr>401(k)</nobr>

Angled bracket: <

Angled bracket: >

The "and" sign: &

Quote mark: "

em (long) dash

Bullet symbol (solid disc)

Dollar sign

&pound; or &#163;
Pound sterling

&yen; or &#165;
Yen sign

&euro; or &#8364;
Euro sign

&copy; or &#169;
Copyright symbol: ©

Text and Formatting Tags

HTML will recognize one space -- after that, you have to code.

Creates preformatted text

Creates the largest headline

Creates the smallest headline (h2-h5 are in between h1 and h6)

    Headline Attributes:

    <h1 align="?">
    Aligns the headline. Can use "center", "right", "left" or "justify"

Creates bold text

Creates italic text

Creates underlined text -- in general, avoid using (underlining is the default for indicating a link)

Creates teletype, or typewriter-style text

Creates subscript text

Creates superscript text

Creates a citation, usually italic

Emphasizes a word (same as <i>)

Emphasizes a word (same as <b>)

Creates a new paragraph -- do not have to close tag. Can use to create white space (creates a double space)

    Paragraph Attributes:

    <p align="?">
    Aligns a paragraph to the left, right, or center

Inserts a line break -- do not have to close tag. Use to start next line without a space (unlike <p>)

Indents text from both sides

<div align="?"></div>
A generic tag used to format large blocks of HTML, also used for stylesheets

<font face="?"></font>
Sets typeface for font. Write other font names for alternatives, i.e., <font face="times new roman, arial">

<font size="?"></font>
Sets size of font, from 1 to 7

1=8 pt
2=10 pt
3=12 pt (standard)
4=14 pt
5=18 pt
6=24 pt
7=36 pt

<font color="?"></font>
Sets font color, using name or hex value

Bullet and Numbering Lists

Creates a definition list

Precedes each definition term

Precedes each definition

Creates a numbered list

    Ordered List Attributes:

    <ol type="?">
    Where the types are "1", "a", "A", "I", "i"

    <ol start="#">
    1,2,3 is the default for ordered lists

Precedes each list item, and adds a number or a bullet (use with <ol> and <ul>)

Creates a bulleted list

    Unordered List Attributes:

    <ul type="?">
    Where the types are "circle" - hollow bullet; "disc" - solid bullet; "square" - solid block


<a href="URL"></a>
Creates a hyperlink. If you use the full address, i.e., "", it is an absolute link. If you use "../index.htm", it is a relative link -- it is in the same file system. Use"../" to indicate "one folder up"

<a href="mailto:EMAIL"></a>
Creates a link to an e-mail address. For example, <a href=""> would create an e-mail message to

<a name="NAME"></a>
Creates a target location within a document -- i.e., a bookmark.

<a href="#NAME"></a>
Links to that target location (bookmark) from elsewhere in the document

    A (link) Attributes:

    <a href="URL" title="NAME">
    Adds simple mouseover text to a text link (see ALT for image mouseover text)

    <a href="URL" target="_blank">
    The link is opened in a NEW browser window

    <a href="URL" style="text-decoration:none">
    The link is not underlined (underlining is the default)

Graphical Elements

<img src="URL">
Adds an image (image source). It is a good idea to set up an image folder, i.e., <img src="images/image.gif">

    Image Attributes:

    <img src="name" align="?">
    Aligns an image: "left", "right", "center"; "bottom", "top", "middle"

    <img src="name" border="?">
    Sets size of border around an image -- this can only be used when the image is a link. The default is 1. If you want no border, use <img src="name" border="0">

    <img src="name" width="?">
    Sets the width of the image - use # (pixels)

    <img src="name" height="?">
    Sets the height of the image -- use # (pixels). You should only use width and height if you have the exact size of the image, otherwise it will not look right.

    <img src="name" alt="?">
    Gives the alternate text for the image; also supplies simple mouseover text for the image

Inserts a horizontal rule

    Horizontal Rule Attributes:

    <hr size="?">
    Sets size (height) of rule -- use # or %. Default is 1pt.

    <hr width="?">
    Sets width of rule, in percentage (%) or absolute value (#)

    <hr noshade>
    Creates a rule without a shadow

    <hr align="?">
    Aligns the rule: "left", "right", "center"; "bottom", "top", "middle"

    <hr color="?">
    Sets font color, using name or hex value


Creates a table

Sets off each row in a table -- tag close is optional

Sets off each cell in a row

Sets off the table header (a normal cell with bold, centered text)

    Table Attributes:

    <table border="#">
    Sets width of border around table cells

    <table bordercolor="?">
    Sets the color of the border

    <table align="?">
    Sets alignment for table: "left", "center", "right"

    <table width="?"
    Sets width of table - in pixels (#) or as a percentage (%) of document width

    <table cellspacing="#">
    Sets amount of space between table cells

    <table cellpadding="#">
    Sets amount of space between a cell's border and its contents

    <tr align="?"> or <td align="?">
    Sets alignment for cell(s): "left", "center", "right"

    <tr valign="?"> or <td valign="?">
    Sets vertical alignment for cell(s): "top", "middle", "bottom"

    <td bgcolor="?">
    Sets the background color of the cell, using name or hex value ("blue" or "#0000FF")

    <td background="BACK.gif">
    Sets the background of the cell using an image file

    <td colspan="#">
    Sets number of columns a cell should span

    <td rowspan="#">
    Sets number of rows a cell should span (default=1)

    <td nowrap>
    Prevents the lines within a cell from being broken to fit

    <td width="?">
    Sets width of cell - in pixels (#) or as a percentage (%)

    <td height="?">
    Sets height of cell - in pixels (#) or as a percentage (%)


Tag in a frames document; can also be nested in other framesets -- replaces <body></body>

    Frameset Attributes:

    <frameset rows="value,value">
    Defines the rows within a frameset, using number in pixels, or percentage of width

    <frameset cols="value,value">
    Defines the columns within a frameset, using number in pixels, or percentage of width

Defines a single frame -- or region -- within a frameset

Defines what will appear on browsers that don't support frames


Frames Attributes:

    <frame src="URL">
    Specifies which HTML document should be displayed

    <frame name="name">
    Names the frame, or region, so it may be targeted by other frames

    <frame marginwidth="#">
    Defines the left and right margins for the frame; must be equal to or greater than 1

    <frame marginheight="#">
    Defines the top and bottom margins for the frame; must be equal to or greater than 1

    <frame scrolling="VALUE">
    Sets whether the frame has a scrollbar; value may equal "yes," "no," or "auto". The default, as in ordinary documents, is auto.

    <frame noresize>
    Prevents the user from resizing a frame


Creates all forms

<select multiple name="NAME" size="?"></select>
Creates a scrolling menu. Size sets the number of menu items visible before you need to scroll.

Sets off each menu item

<select name="NAME"></select>
Creates a pulldown menu

<textarea name="NAME" cols="40" rows="8"></textarea>
Creates a text box area. Columns set the width; rows set the height.

<input type="checkbox" name="NAME">
Creates a checkbox. Text follows tag.

<input type="radio" name="NAME" value="x">
Creates a radio button. Text follows tag

<input type=text name="foo" size="20">
Creates a one-line text area. Size sets length, in characters.

<input type="submit" value="NAME">
Creates a Submit button

<input type="image" border="0" name="NAME" src="name.gif">
Creates a Submit button using an image

<input type="reset">
Creates a Reset button


For hyperlinks:

a:link{color:#0000FF; text-decoration:underline;
a:visited{color:#511418; text-decoration:none;
a:active{color:#FF0000; text-decoration:none;
a:hover{color:#FF0000; text-decoration:underline;

For text:

H1 {font-family:Times New Roman, Times; color:#2A057A;
H2 {font-family:Times New Roman, Times; font-size:14pt;
H3 {font-family:Times New Roman, Times; font-size:12pt;
P {font-family:Times New Roman, Times; font-size:12pt; )
LI {font-family:Times New Roman, Times; font-size:12pt; )
TD {font-family:Times New Roman, Times; font-size:12pt; }

<STYLE type="text/css">
BODY {font-family: serif;}
H2, H3 {font-family: Verdana, Helvetica, sans-serif;}
H2 {color: maroon; text-decoration: underline;}
P {margin-left: 3em;}
SUP {font-size: x-small; color: #666666;)
DIV.endnote P {text-indent: -1em; color: #333333;}
.link {text-decoration: underline;)
</STYLE> working in HTML 4

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